WOW, time just goes wherever it pleases!
It's been so long since I've given my blog the satisfaction to be written on, I know this would be considered child abuse in real life, but when one lacks the inspiration to write, then you know theres trouble brewing in one's horizon!
I just recently celebrated my 19TH Birthday, which was in December! I finally hit the important mile stone (In Canada) that is! I am liberated and empowered to do whatever I please, because I am finally recognized as an Adult here, so what I have to say is important...right?
We hold so much power as an individual yet we don't know how to use it in massed numbers! We can do so much, if only we stepped up and contributed to the matter!
For someone so young I have undergone a lot in my life, especially the past few years. I'm constantly learning from my wrong doings and failures, but yet I seem to always attract the garbage? Do I have a magnet attached to me strictly screening for a way to cause more stress/drama in my life!
Working in general is a tedious thing, especially when you're not given the opportunity to expand your knowledge and broaden your experience as an Ambassador for your company (Generally) speaking of course. I can't fathom why people are always criticized for the choice of work they do. I just don't understand, where is the support system when you need it?
It's extremely tiring being constantly knocked down, only to hear you're not good enough and what I choose to do isn't worth the time of day for you apparently! Does anyone ever feel like throwing the towel in and just giving up and ending it all?! Cause sometimes I do... I can be the first one to admit that, but I don't, I never give anyone the satisfaction that they won, unless it's for reason's that make sense!
We have so many flaws in life and in the world....why is it so hard to embrace the positives?
BE someone who can make that difference.
Don't BE scared to take a risk.
Be empowered by the things that matter to you most.
and certainly BE patient with life, it really does have a lot to give you, if you take it one day at a time of course!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Counter-Clockwise it seems...
Well just as one thinks they're getting a head of things, things decide to go backwards. Pressing matters always seem to surface and yet it's mind crippling for ones mental balance. How are we to make progress if we aren't given the suitable tools to make that necessary approach successful?
It can be annoying when you discover little things turning out to be HUGE things, but no one ever seems to advise you on the pressing matter ahead of time. Only time will allow us to recover the inevitable lose of our hard work! We as human beings are more susceptible to these barriers then some others that coincide along us.
Can one's anti-productive measures be there cause of failure, even if there is no fault and it is naturals own downfall?
Julian Manna
It can be annoying when you discover little things turning out to be HUGE things, but no one ever seems to advise you on the pressing matter ahead of time. Only time will allow us to recover the inevitable lose of our hard work! We as human beings are more susceptible to these barriers then some others that coincide along us.
Can one's anti-productive measures be there cause of failure, even if there is no fault and it is naturals own downfall?
Julian Manna
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Take One, Ready, Set, ACTION..?!
Hey my fellow readers and Gleeks!
I've been practicing the past few months, pieces that I will use for my audition for GLEE the hit TV show featured on FOX. I've finally pulled through after so many practices and decided I am going to go with "Take a Bow" By Rihanna I am very eager to show em what I got, I love the show, and it just seems to fit my personality so well. Decided I'd change it up and go with something I know I'd enjoy singing I'm doing this for fun basically, and of course I'm sure there is someone better then me out there but all I know is that I have to give it my best and that's all that matters!
Will see how it all goes,I am super stoked....I'll keep you posted.
I've been practicing the past few months, pieces that I will use for my audition for GLEE the hit TV show featured on FOX. I've finally pulled through after so many practices and decided I am going to go with "Take a Bow" By Rihanna I am very eager to show em what I got, I love the show, and it just seems to fit my personality so well. Decided I'd change it up and go with something I know I'd enjoy singing I'm doing this for fun basically, and of course I'm sure there is someone better then me out there but all I know is that I have to give it my best and that's all that matters!
Will see how it all goes,I am super stoked....I'll keep you posted.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Revisiting my homeland!
Well when I say homeland I mean back in Toronto for just the week!
I'm looking forward to seeing some of my friends from the past and seeing what adventures come fourth.
I'm also alittle uneasy seeing a few individuals, hesitant that it will re-open closed doorways, but I can't fear the unpredicted but simply embrace the path that comes towards me.
Day 1,
Coming back to Toronto, going to a passover dinner to celebrate with family/extended family.I was alittle unsure of what to expect. You see our family is different, we are separated from one another seeing each other maybe once or twice a year, maybe even a funeral. If I had to compare them to a certain social-group it would be of the Tribe hierarchy, especially when it comes to the Elders (1st generation)they all seem to have some sort of grudge set out towards everyone, a grudge that has lasted their entire lifetime for what reasons I do not fathom. It becomes tiring if I must put in my two cents.
The youngest generation being the (3rd generation) are used like pawns in a war that seems like it has no end. All sense of diplomaticism becomes extinct, who stole this, who did that. WHO gives well a fuck. (Pardon my choice of word)
However tonight wasn't as bad as the previous dinners I've been graced to attend too. However pressing topics always seem to come up, especially ignorant topics by few individuals in this world who sadly are the reason why our social groups are made to stand out, named and alienated from the social norms of society. People have the potential to be smart and learn from the world, but yet be so stupid. I don't believe in referring to people as being stupid, but man how dull can you get when you discuss certain topics. Sex/Religion/Sexual Orientation/Politics of course you're entitled to your own opinion, and a opinion that can be freely expressed but only to a certain extent of when it starts to become hostile. Who are we as people to judge? I simply don't, I embrace life for what it offers...I just don't go looking for the greener patch of grass in the yard.
Points to ponder I assume, points that will probably stick with me for as long as I breathe. But I'll leave you all with this, if you could change something about our whole social structure, our sense of hierarchical groups which classifies what it means to be part of the whole term of "Social Norms" in our society. What would you change in regards to peoples views on "Sex/Religion/Sexual Orientation/Politics" how would you exercise a more efficient, clean outlook and more welcoming way to the sort of life styles people choose to live?
Julian Manna
I'm looking forward to seeing some of my friends from the past and seeing what adventures come fourth.
I'm also alittle uneasy seeing a few individuals, hesitant that it will re-open closed doorways, but I can't fear the unpredicted but simply embrace the path that comes towards me.
Day 1,
Coming back to Toronto, going to a passover dinner to celebrate with family/extended family.I was alittle unsure of what to expect. You see our family is different, we are separated from one another seeing each other maybe once or twice a year, maybe even a funeral. If I had to compare them to a certain social-group it would be of the Tribe hierarchy, especially when it comes to the Elders (1st generation)they all seem to have some sort of grudge set out towards everyone, a grudge that has lasted their entire lifetime for what reasons I do not fathom. It becomes tiring if I must put in my two cents.
The youngest generation being the (3rd generation) are used like pawns in a war that seems like it has no end. All sense of diplomaticism becomes extinct, who stole this, who did that. WHO gives well a fuck. (Pardon my choice of word)
However tonight wasn't as bad as the previous dinners I've been graced to attend too. However pressing topics always seem to come up, especially ignorant topics by few individuals in this world who sadly are the reason why our social groups are made to stand out, named and alienated from the social norms of society. People have the potential to be smart and learn from the world, but yet be so stupid. I don't believe in referring to people as being stupid, but man how dull can you get when you discuss certain topics. Sex/Religion/Sexual Orientation/Politics of course you're entitled to your own opinion, and a opinion that can be freely expressed but only to a certain extent of when it starts to become hostile. Who are we as people to judge? I simply don't, I embrace life for what it offers...I just don't go looking for the greener patch of grass in the yard.
Points to ponder I assume, points that will probably stick with me for as long as I breathe. But I'll leave you all with this, if you could change something about our whole social structure, our sense of hierarchical groups which classifies what it means to be part of the whole term of "Social Norms" in our society. What would you change in regards to peoples views on "Sex/Religion/Sexual Orientation/Politics" how would you exercise a more efficient, clean outlook and more welcoming way to the sort of life styles people choose to live?
Julian Manna
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Life Update Vol.2
I am nearly at that (1) year milestone in Waterloo this July. I know its still a few months away, but man where does time go?
My year has been successful in a few ways:
1)My overall health has improved immensely, I feel better about who I am. Stress levels are lower then what they used to be and I am living an active life. Socializing and also working out to get myself to where I need to be.
2)My year long life experience discovering who I am psychologically, I am able to make choices for my own well being. I know what I want and I'm not afraid to go after it.
I find I have more confidence almost so much that I would be called cocky. I still remain out spoken and kind hearted for the things I believe in.
3)I have begun to mend some broken connections between people I have cut out of my life for the past year. I am slowly re-evaluating who and what these people mean to me and I am slowly re-connecting and establishing communication.
(4) to be continued.
5)I've discovered new passions that I've never really given thought to ever happening in my life time.
6)I am now a proud member of the equestrian community, recently bought a horse named Jemma and I'd like to welcome her to my family.
7)I'm slowly finding my inspiration and creativity source and feeling a live.
*Don't mind the dates on the pictures they're wrong they were actually taken in March 2010*

Julian Manna
My year has been successful in a few ways:
1)My overall health has improved immensely, I feel better about who I am. Stress levels are lower then what they used to be and I am living an active life. Socializing and also working out to get myself to where I need to be.
2)My year long life experience discovering who I am psychologically, I am able to make choices for my own well being. I know what I want and I'm not afraid to go after it.
I find I have more confidence almost so much that I would be called cocky. I still remain out spoken and kind hearted for the things I believe in.
3)I have begun to mend some broken connections between people I have cut out of my life for the past year. I am slowly re-evaluating who and what these people mean to me and I am slowly re-connecting and establishing communication.
(4) to be continued.
5)I've discovered new passions that I've never really given thought to ever happening in my life time.
6)I am now a proud member of the equestrian community, recently bought a horse named Jemma and I'd like to welcome her to my family.
7)I'm slowly finding my inspiration and creativity source and feeling a live.
*Don't mind the dates on the pictures they're wrong they were actually taken in March 2010*

Julian Manna
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Life in a Nut SHELL!
Well, I have a month and some odd weeks left of school yay ME! I suppose life is going great for me in a 'oxymoron' type of way. I am in survival mode trying to ensure my placement for grad is secured, however obstacles even towards the end seem to be presented to me. I have so much going on that I am being pulled in a hundred different directions, graduation, prom,quitting my job, starting a new chapter in Waterloo oh and did I forget to say that I'm also moving to Waterloo with my mum?!
However something new has come abroad...something in which has intrigued my mind and physical capabilities. A new sport has seemed to come of interest and has resurfaced my mind, something that I've always enjoyed, but just never really gotten back to it. The art of 'Horseback Riding' has come back to visit me with a new hopping chance...It's amazing the way "word of mouth" works around us throughout our everyday lives. A lady in which I know has inspired me to check things out and see how things work in the Equestrian Community. I've fallen in love with this new hobbie that I've decided to enroll myself in private lessons at 'The Horse Palace' at the Exhibition Place, where I will learn the ropes of riding again. If you are a horse enthusiast yourself I highly suggest you check this place out if you haven't already known of its existence.

*Metro, a face that you simply cannot resist*
Like I say, you never know if you like something unless you try it, so let me present you with a challenge, go out and try something new, because you never know whats waiting for you out there
I shall be starting my equine adventure within the next week or so, and we shall see what happens...I'll try posting some pictures of the lesson/videos....
but for now I will retire, its nearly 2:30am....and a boy my age should be in bed ....haha (as if)..
See ya later!
However something new has come abroad...something in which has intrigued my mind and physical capabilities. A new sport has seemed to come of interest and has resurfaced my mind, something that I've always enjoyed, but just never really gotten back to it. The art of 'Horseback Riding' has come back to visit me with a new hopping chance...It's amazing the way "word of mouth" works around us throughout our everyday lives. A lady in which I know has inspired me to check things out and see how things work in the Equestrian Community. I've fallen in love with this new hobbie that I've decided to enroll myself in private lessons at 'The Horse Palace' at the Exhibition Place, where I will learn the ropes of riding again. If you are a horse enthusiast yourself I highly suggest you check this place out if you haven't already known of its existence.

*Metro, a face that you simply cannot resist*
Like I say, you never know if you like something unless you try it, so let me present you with a challenge, go out and try something new, because you never know whats waiting for you out there
I shall be starting my equine adventure within the next week or so, and we shall see what happens...I'll try posting some pictures of the lesson/videos....
but for now I will retire, its nearly 2:30am....and a boy my age should be in bed ....haha (as if)..
See ya later!
julian manna,
The Horse Palace
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Foresaken Love
That long instilled ever lasting memory of you still seems to be engraved in my mind, hoping that possibly it might loosen and dissipate and depart from me at anytime. Playing it over and over, different scenario's in my mind wondering what could have been and possibly done, but yet we are here now, present day with no you. Time constantly playing its trickery; it goes by so fast and acts on its own accord, but in fact you aren't given the option of rewinding and re-living your past.
The love I have for you is never ending, and although you hurt me, and broke my heart into a million pieces, I allow myself to feel this way for you. Love is a holy word that is cherished and held sacred in my life. When I simply told you I loved you, it was truly meant and not just said like an over-used hello. Ironically our story is somewhat similar to the one's of Romeo and Juliet, a Montague and Capulet falling in love, simply two opposites from two sides of the world joining side by side, simply because love permitted them. However; our ending wasn't as cliche but simply un-original.
At times I felt like our fire was dying simply because you did'nt communicate your perspective on things, and therefore I acted as the engine of both sides, constantly feeding the fire, but mainly I was uncertain of your capabilities to shape what we had. We trusted one another, we talked about things that we usually didn't share amongst our crowds, but yet we built a sense of bond that no one could have compared to.
Where did we go wrong?
What does one say or do?
How do I fight for something that seems lost and unwanted?
But now that I look at it,we are no longer "We", but simply its is just I,
lets face it, until the day I die you will remain that mysterious love that was truly never figured out; but simply an everlasting memory...
By: Julian Manna
The love I have for you is never ending, and although you hurt me, and broke my heart into a million pieces, I allow myself to feel this way for you. Love is a holy word that is cherished and held sacred in my life. When I simply told you I loved you, it was truly meant and not just said like an over-used hello. Ironically our story is somewhat similar to the one's of Romeo and Juliet, a Montague and Capulet falling in love, simply two opposites from two sides of the world joining side by side, simply because love permitted them. However; our ending wasn't as cliche but simply un-original.
At times I felt like our fire was dying simply because you did'nt communicate your perspective on things, and therefore I acted as the engine of both sides, constantly feeding the fire, but mainly I was uncertain of your capabilities to shape what we had. We trusted one another, we talked about things that we usually didn't share amongst our crowds, but yet we built a sense of bond that no one could have compared to.
Where did we go wrong?
What does one say or do?
How do I fight for something that seems lost and unwanted?
But now that I look at it,we are no longer "We", but simply its is just I,
lets face it, until the day I die you will remain that mysterious love that was truly never figured out; but simply an everlasting memory...
By: Julian Manna
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