Monday, December 29, 2008

The New Year and Such.....

Hey everyone,

Well my birthday was successful if you read my last post I was feeling a little philosophical and decided to express myself through a rant of some sort! Since the new year is upon approach I am going to try and write on my blog every couple of days to keep myself occupied and you readers happy. I've had a few people come to me with guilt trips on why I don't write often so I figured if people are actually going to take the time to read it then why not give the public what they demand! So I guess its my new years promise? Hm that should be easy (hopefully)!

So whats new... OH! My mum is trying to get me into going to write my drivers test but I think I have developed some fear on going to write it again since I've failed it before! I hate tests why can't they just give me the bloody license or let one of my mistakes go and say YOU PASSED! But NO they have to be anal and say you failed "GET BACK IN LINE AND BUY YOUR TICKET" *sigh*

So in a way I am kind of trying to avoid it and in some weird way I am not! I guess we shall see.
Another thing is I have bills coming out of my ass, they seem to just keep coming and coming and coming!

I believe I have bad spending habits, and am in need of a budge coach someone to say "No Julian don't buy that you don't need it"...Anyone up for the job? ...That's my money crisis for now!

as for Youtube, I've been hearing a lot of ranting and raving about this "Flip Cam" object...Perhaps I should invest in one? Since I don't have a proper camera to record short videos!

School starts back up next Monday oh joy... I am not looking forward to that but then again I miss everyone so it'll be nice to go back! I think my blog is long enough for now and its time for me to say "Ta Ta" I'm sure I will have some more juicy gossip in the next coming days!

Friday, December 26, 2008

A New Day ...

Within a few hours my body will gain physically another year to it, my spirit preparing itself to withhold another years worth of memories, pains, laughs, and nightmares. I shall again dream another dream in hopes to waking up to another place. I seem to ponder about "time" a lot, it seems to phase my mind during the day of my regular routines. I wonder why or how we age, who really determines that we are simply a number? Of course we are told we were born at such and such a time, but we were not.

We were simply alive for 9 months in our internal homes. Life is but a dream? In some cases it can be good, but in most its a bad dream, humans come and go leaving this world with or without a cause, but how do you mark an eternal placement within this world? Who will remember us 100 years from now, will we be an unfortunate race, a "lost bloodline" or a legacy of some sort that will be remembered through history but most of all in peoples minds?

We do not determine whats rightfully ours but in a way we are given a place where we receive rights and a sense of freedom?

But for today this theory shall be put to rest for the years to come and it shall once again come alive when the time is right, now it is time to lock yet again another years worth of memories into a life long pensive, that I have obtained since birth and now I've come to pay my respects and say goodbye to a forever gone friend I bid you adieu my 16 year old self. For I will never get to relive these days with you, instead I will be 1 more year advanced then I was with you and for now our playground is within our dreams.