Hey everyone :)
This is my second blog that isn't about my creative writing!
It's more about me ha ha!
Well as the title says Two days left tell my Christmas VACAY starts :D I am quite excited, it's not everyday you get a break like this...
I hope we get some more snow so it can be one of those White Christmas's...We were hit terribly last weekend 3 days of none stop snow! It was just amazing, all was quiet no cars, no city buses just peaceful and tranquil. That all stopped on Monday afternoon, reality kicked back in and all hell broke out!
Now...it took me 2 hours to get home from school usually it takes about an hour, Did i TELL you how much I love TRAFFIC!! I LOATHE it!
but it's all good I am home in my room writing this lovely little cheerful rant!
and sadly you just had to read it!
well not much else to say I am rather anxious to write my G1 test next week Thursday, :O next week Thursday is my birthday also HOW could I forget to say that now that will be something :)
well I am off for now, to just wander the pages of the net :)
Goodbye for now...
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Say Good Bye
Note from the site master:
Say Good Bye
Wake me up inside, wake me from a far away land
Help me in my desperate time and tears, please help me
so I can become, a hero
Now it's time for me to carry on,
I leave this world for what I have become
How could I have ever been your son
I leave this world because it;s people, and what you have done, now I will go to a place to call safe.
I go there where you can never hurt me again,
I still feel that I will never see the light
And the tunnel is still way out of sight
I will not be here in this world of pain
That is the only way I can call myself sane
I am leaving this depraved world for what
I have become, say goodbye, do not shed a tear
For I have no fear, I am angel from above
For once I will know what it is to love
Say, say Goodbye, I will never see you again.
By: Julian Manna-Gerardi
Revised addition
"The next piece that I will post below means a lot to me, I wrote this when I was going through a rough time in my life, It has been published and it is my greatest and most strongest piece."
Say Good Bye
Wake me up inside, wake me from a far away land
Help me in my desperate time and tears, please help me
so I can become, a hero
Now it's time for me to carry on,
I leave this world for what I have become
How could I have ever been your son
I leave this world because it;s people, and what you have done, now I will go to a place to call safe.
I go there where you can never hurt me again,
I still feel that I will never see the light
And the tunnel is still way out of sight
I will not be here in this world of pain
That is the only way I can call myself sane
I am leaving this depraved world for what
I have become, say goodbye, do not shed a tear
For I have no fear, I am angel from above
For once I will know what it is to love
Say, say Goodbye, I will never see you again.
By: Julian Manna-Gerardi
Revised addition
The Trial

I find myself in a courtroom, being judged by all. Constantly pleading that I am innocent, yet they try to prove me guilty.
Feeling like a battle has broken out and I am caught in the middle of it, Shell shocked and lost, I am unable to hear because of the loud bangs, running for shelter, hoping for peace.
It seems I can never find a break, I begin to pray asking for a sign, but nothing. The sky darkens and I begin to question my motives.
Bringing myself to my feet and running to the battle field only to find myself, I see myself across the field, thinking this is unlikely that I have simply gone mad. Seeing an object fly by me, quickly clues me back in, I am in a war against myself, I see dozens and dozens of me, yet all different looking. I begin to fire back slowly killing them one by one. Feeling weak I begin to slow my pace, things start to blur in and out, feeling like gauze has been put on my eyes and I see everything in a blur I do not understand, I begin to bleed, tiny drops of blood pour down my nose and onto my white shirt, I stumble to floor, trying to hold myself up but I can't I'm to weak, my senses are shutting down, my mind slowing down, my eyes growing heavy feeling cold, I look down at myself and see all the opened wounds.
Tears flowing down from my face, I know why I bleed.
I've killed parts off my soul, I am unable to continue without them, my heart looses life, it slowly beats. Why have I done this to myself, my eyes close and things darken....
I am still alive, but why can't I open my eyes, I am so lost without my sight, I can hear the screams around me, parts of my body still having nerves. I can feel my legs, but not my arms, I can't talk but I can smell the stench for which I am in.
Oh no I'm a cripple, the earth begins to shake, and my body begins to vibrate. A warm feeling object touches my skin, I try to call out but my mouth does not move, my vocal cords lay dormant.
The screams for which I heard are gone, and I hear angelic hymns. It seems a women is talking to me, her voice so powerful that it echoes through a valley of mountains.
"Boy why do you cause yourself pain, you have been given life for a reason, but yet you mis-use it. It's not your time to be here, you must go back, your heart still beats,but faintly, speak to me child"
thinking inside who is this women, I want to speak but I still can't, this must be a dream I tell myself, theres no way.
I hear voices in the distance, I cannot determine what they are saying, suddenly I am dropped into water, I can see, I can breathe, I surface to the top, I can feel the water in my hands I can, see the beautiful golden skies, warmth in my skin.
My heart now beating,*the glorified women speaks again to me, see child your heart calls to you"
A jolt of electricity flows through my body and I wake up to a bright light in my face, people standing around me dressed in blue, there faced covered.
A women now talking to me "your going to be alright"...
A man in the back telling the women"his vitals are back"
I hear a heart monitor beside me beeping.
I remember the car accident, I look up into the light and smile!
Feeling like a battle has broken out and I am caught in the middle of it, Shell shocked and lost, I am unable to hear because of the loud bangs, running for shelter, hoping for peace.
It seems I can never find a break, I begin to pray asking for a sign, but nothing. The sky darkens and I begin to question my motives.
Bringing myself to my feet and running to the battle field only to find myself, I see myself across the field, thinking this is unlikely that I have simply gone mad. Seeing an object fly by me, quickly clues me back in, I am in a war against myself, I see dozens and dozens of me, yet all different looking. I begin to fire back slowly killing them one by one. Feeling weak I begin to slow my pace, things start to blur in and out, feeling like gauze has been put on my eyes and I see everything in a blur I do not understand, I begin to bleed, tiny drops of blood pour down my nose and onto my white shirt, I stumble to floor, trying to hold myself up but I can't I'm to weak, my senses are shutting down, my mind slowing down, my eyes growing heavy feeling cold, I look down at myself and see all the opened wounds.
Tears flowing down from my face, I know why I bleed.
I've killed parts off my soul, I am unable to continue without them, my heart looses life, it slowly beats. Why have I done this to myself, my eyes close and things darken....
I am still alive, but why can't I open my eyes, I am so lost without my sight, I can hear the screams around me, parts of my body still having nerves. I can feel my legs, but not my arms, I can't talk but I can smell the stench for which I am in.
Oh no I'm a cripple, the earth begins to shake, and my body begins to vibrate. A warm feeling object touches my skin, I try to call out but my mouth does not move, my vocal cords lay dormant.
The screams for which I heard are gone, and I hear angelic hymns. It seems a women is talking to me, her voice so powerful that it echoes through a valley of mountains.
"Boy why do you cause yourself pain, you have been given life for a reason, but yet you mis-use it. It's not your time to be here, you must go back, your heart still beats,but faintly, speak to me child"
thinking inside who is this women, I want to speak but I still can't, this must be a dream I tell myself, theres no way.
I hear voices in the distance, I cannot determine what they are saying, suddenly I am dropped into water, I can see, I can breathe, I surface to the top, I can feel the water in my hands I can, see the beautiful golden skies, warmth in my skin.
My heart now beating,*the glorified women speaks again to me, see child your heart calls to you"
A jolt of electricity flows through my body and I wake up to a bright light in my face, people standing around me dressed in blue, there faced covered.
A women now talking to me "your going to be alright"...
A man in the back telling the women"his vitals are back"
I hear a heart monitor beside me beeping.
I remember the car accident, I look up into the light and smile!
Why do I feel so Incomplete, so held back in Life?

Because today I’m just the same old person as I was yesterday
Because I know I have not changed from any other day
Because, I am uncertain of myself, and insecure about my personal traits
Because at times I feel as if I was made of rock,
feeling unstoppable, as if I was an unbreakable diamond that remains heartless
Because I've been told that I will not achieve the things I hold at heart in life.
Because I feel that I can't commit to someone or something
I distance myself from people, and hide my emotions,
as if I pour them into a deep abyss, locked away from all prying eyes
Because I walk around this world feeling empty inside
like a dried up lake, slowly fading away loosing its beautiful colour
Because I am scared of what life will bring me in the future
Because I choose more to do in life, then my physical self lets me handle
Because I do not want to be left behind, to be the man who did nothing
I want to be spoken highly of, to be acknowledged and praised
I want to laugh, feel, and smile and not care who watches
at times I wish I was the sun, to be a positive element, very warming and loving
Because I hold myself back to meet my true potential,
How come strangers always say that there’s more to life then sitting back and just watching
Because I tend to be a dull figure, very abstract minded and at times disfigured
I look into the mirror but don't see my reflection, does this happen
Because I am unable to figure myself out
I feel lost, like I can't find my way back to my mothers comforting arms
Because I love my friends for they bring the best out of me,
For they make me feel like a pot of gold as if erupting with joy
Because I know who I can be and who I can’t
I walk around everyday seeing the society that has formed me,
Because I change my features so that I can survive the cliques
A chilling breeze blows on my face awaking me from my terrifying nightmare,
Because my heart starts to slowly revitalize myself and emotions,
As if I was a dead battery suddenly recharged back to new
Because even though I hit rough patches, I know that tomorrow is a new day
For new beginnings, for new revolutions for a brighter future
Because I know I’m not the same person that I was yesterday
Because I can finally see my reflection in the mirror as a new human being.
By: Julian Gerardi
Because I know I have not changed from any other day
Because, I am uncertain of myself, and insecure about my personal traits
Because at times I feel as if I was made of rock,
feeling unstoppable, as if I was an unbreakable diamond that remains heartless
Because I've been told that I will not achieve the things I hold at heart in life.
Because I feel that I can't commit to someone or something
I distance myself from people, and hide my emotions,
as if I pour them into a deep abyss, locked away from all prying eyes
Because I walk around this world feeling empty inside
like a dried up lake, slowly fading away loosing its beautiful colour
Because I am scared of what life will bring me in the future
Because I choose more to do in life, then my physical self lets me handle
Because I do not want to be left behind, to be the man who did nothing
I want to be spoken highly of, to be acknowledged and praised
I want to laugh, feel, and smile and not care who watches
at times I wish I was the sun, to be a positive element, very warming and loving
Because I hold myself back to meet my true potential,
How come strangers always say that there’s more to life then sitting back and just watching
Because I tend to be a dull figure, very abstract minded and at times disfigured
I look into the mirror but don't see my reflection, does this happen
Because I am unable to figure myself out
I feel lost, like I can't find my way back to my mothers comforting arms
Because I love my friends for they bring the best out of me,
For they make me feel like a pot of gold as if erupting with joy
Because I know who I can be and who I can’t
I walk around everyday seeing the society that has formed me,
Because I change my features so that I can survive the cliques
A chilling breeze blows on my face awaking me from my terrifying nightmare,
Because my heart starts to slowly revitalize myself and emotions,
As if I was a dead battery suddenly recharged back to new
Because even though I hit rough patches, I know that tomorrow is a new day
For new beginnings, for new revolutions for a brighter future
Because I know I’m not the same person that I was yesterday
Because I can finally see my reflection in the mirror as a new human being.
By: Julian Gerardi
The Remaining Fragment Of My Soul

Who am I?
What am I?
I seem to ask myself that a lot?
As if these thoughts just stream through my head endlessly, I feel confused like I’ve failed life someway.
Like I know I could of done better but yet I didn’t and life is the same, and time keeps on ticking, ticking like a bomb set to go off in just moments, but I am unable to determine when. I feel that I am of no help and that all my work and effort has gone down a long darkened drain. Feeling as my life source is reaching its peak, seeing and feeling my inner resources depleting gasping, no wait, as if clinging onto new life that comes my way tapping into its rich golden stream, adapting to its new surroundings, but yet why do I still ponder?
Have I gone mad, am I just writing nonsense, am I on a verge of a mental breakdown. Is my fire starting to dim out like an old fireplace aging, but HEY I’m just a teen I can’t possibly be OLD…There’s just no way, unless wait, could my soul be aging, I am of boy of 15 sunrises soon to be 16, could I be sheltering an old weakened soul, slowly but soon to die out, why me!
I’ve spent and have put in endless hours into this life, slowly shaping the soul I happily obtain but why now. Does it whisper to me, sending alerts to my brain that I am loosing this epic battle, HA I’m no villain but hey I’m sincerely no hero, I’m more of a sidekick when I look at it, always there helping people become their true potential slowly in time giving them fragments of my soul of which I can offer to them.
I feel at times that no matter how many family and friends I have, I feel alone in this world knowing that one day, I will be alone here to fight this war, to fight the society which forms us all to be blind. I however do not want to be blind, I want to be the mouth of my own individual I want to embark and seek out…To shine on others and be their light that guides them, but how can I be, when my soul begins to become dormant in this shell of what I call a body. Does my soul not like it’s temple for which it resides in?
Does it not accept of my choices of actions I do in life, I’ve never harmed myself in anyway does it disapprove of the friends I have or try to have, maybe it’s tired of giving its spring of energy, The light in my eyes begin to dim, the legacy for which was once in my blood slowly depletes and whatever that remains left hides in my soul, giving it life trying to nurture it back, but why I ask why?
My light in this world is as good as nothing, the radiance in me has turn to dust, like a dessert dry and rough.
My path is like a huge puzzle, for pieces are missing, there is to much going on for I. I’m trying to figure myself out,
From dust I come, too dust I came. I grow weak and tired and rant and rave the issues I have but I feel mute, unheard in many ways, I talk of dreams that I wish to occur but somehow, someway find them shattering into tiny shards, unable to piece them back together….Why I ask, Why….
I look into a ancient mirror, but see nothing no body, no soul, nothing, what is its message to me….
I hear whispers all around me unable to keep them quiet, trying to hush them all away, locking them up into a part of my brain where they dare not to return, these whispers grow impatient, becoming louder and louder now becoming uncontrollable, they wanting to be heard not to be silenced any longer. But I simply insist that their voice will not be heard because the corrupt and powerful do not wish to be their audience for the message which, “the” voices try to belay onto them.
I sit here now, watching the moon shinning vibrantly… clouds swarming towards it to conceal it’s source of life but its rays of lights wanders through the clouds guiding me, and my thoughts to where they ought to be,
Could this be true, Can it really be true, or could it just be my figurative imagination, playing a trick on me…perhaps it’s a fragment of my mind wandering looking for a way out…“wait”
It is real, I hear my name as if it was just whispered from the sky calling out to me. But I am unable to see the person who calls for me I shout out and begin to run towards, the night!
What am I?
I seem to ask myself that a lot?
As if these thoughts just stream through my head endlessly, I feel confused like I’ve failed life someway.
Like I know I could of done better but yet I didn’t and life is the same, and time keeps on ticking, ticking like a bomb set to go off in just moments, but I am unable to determine when. I feel that I am of no help and that all my work and effort has gone down a long darkened drain. Feeling as my life source is reaching its peak, seeing and feeling my inner resources depleting gasping, no wait, as if clinging onto new life that comes my way tapping into its rich golden stream, adapting to its new surroundings, but yet why do I still ponder?
Have I gone mad, am I just writing nonsense, am I on a verge of a mental breakdown. Is my fire starting to dim out like an old fireplace aging, but HEY I’m just a teen I can’t possibly be OLD…There’s just no way, unless wait, could my soul be aging, I am of boy of 15 sunrises soon to be 16, could I be sheltering an old weakened soul, slowly but soon to die out, why me!
I’ve spent and have put in endless hours into this life, slowly shaping the soul I happily obtain but why now. Does it whisper to me, sending alerts to my brain that I am loosing this epic battle, HA I’m no villain but hey I’m sincerely no hero, I’m more of a sidekick when I look at it, always there helping people become their true potential slowly in time giving them fragments of my soul of which I can offer to them.
I feel at times that no matter how many family and friends I have, I feel alone in this world knowing that one day, I will be alone here to fight this war, to fight the society which forms us all to be blind. I however do not want to be blind, I want to be the mouth of my own individual I want to embark and seek out…To shine on others and be their light that guides them, but how can I be, when my soul begins to become dormant in this shell of what I call a body. Does my soul not like it’s temple for which it resides in?
Does it not accept of my choices of actions I do in life, I’ve never harmed myself in anyway does it disapprove of the friends I have or try to have, maybe it’s tired of giving its spring of energy, The light in my eyes begin to dim, the legacy for which was once in my blood slowly depletes and whatever that remains left hides in my soul, giving it life trying to nurture it back, but why I ask why?
My light in this world is as good as nothing, the radiance in me has turn to dust, like a dessert dry and rough.
My path is like a huge puzzle, for pieces are missing, there is to much going on for I. I’m trying to figure myself out,
From dust I come, too dust I came. I grow weak and tired and rant and rave the issues I have but I feel mute, unheard in many ways, I talk of dreams that I wish to occur but somehow, someway find them shattering into tiny shards, unable to piece them back together….Why I ask, Why….
I look into a ancient mirror, but see nothing no body, no soul, nothing, what is its message to me….
I hear whispers all around me unable to keep them quiet, trying to hush them all away, locking them up into a part of my brain where they dare not to return, these whispers grow impatient, becoming louder and louder now becoming uncontrollable, they wanting to be heard not to be silenced any longer. But I simply insist that their voice will not be heard because the corrupt and powerful do not wish to be their audience for the message which, “the” voices try to belay onto them.
I sit here now, watching the moon shinning vibrantly… clouds swarming towards it to conceal it’s source of life but its rays of lights wanders through the clouds guiding me, and my thoughts to where they ought to be,
Could this be true, Can it really be true, or could it just be my figurative imagination, playing a trick on me…perhaps it’s a fragment of my mind wandering looking for a way out…“wait”
It is real, I hear my name as if it was just whispered from the sky calling out to me. But I am unable to see the person who calls for me I shout out and begin to run towards, the night!
The Dream

Laying in my chambers silently as I hear the howling winds, blowing against my window.
Covered up as a grizzly bear about to go into hibernation. Am I to hide from society, or am I hiding from the one that can affect me most, the lack of “will” to succeed, and achieve in life are very slim these days.
As the dark scary shadows come nearer and near, my heart begins to beat faster and faster almost as if it was skipping a beat or two.
I lay here reminiscing of what I have done in life, all my memories, hidden in my mind waiting to be discovered as if, buried treasure waiting to be found.
Why conceal my memories, these are the things I love most, can it be possible for I fear to loose thee, I hear loud noises coming from every direction unable to determine the voices master.
Who could this culprit be disturbing me and my thoughts, what does it want from thee.
Why do my shadows haunt I? Go away I shout in a threatening manner, but seeing that my threats are causing no effects.
Why do I frighten, I’m in a space which I am familiar with, but yet I still feel in harms way.
Unable to protect myself and valuables, leave me alone I begin to toss and turn feeling as if I was captured by a fishing net.
Unable to escape and breath freely.
For O what I dearly crave most. I can’t but somewhat notice that I stand here now talking to myself.
What could this truly mean? By now this hallowed place is pitch black and I am unable to see my own two hands before me.
But yet I cannot help but feel a presence in the room, maybe a beast has come to save me from societies hell?
I get up from where I lay and feel as if I am falling into a dark hole, O where have I gone, as I look into the darkness, the nothingness.
A figure stumbles around me I can’t help but hear their heavy footsteps as it comes closer and closer walking loud and clunky not caring that it may be discovered any moment, and at last I see a man behind a mask concealing his true identity, whispering to me in a language I have not heard before but I am unable to understand.
I begin to too zoom out as if the whole room was beginning to be unfocused. I suddenly awake from this horrid dream and realize that I have been startled by the thunderous roar!
Covered up as a grizzly bear about to go into hibernation. Am I to hide from society, or am I hiding from the one that can affect me most, the lack of “will” to succeed, and achieve in life are very slim these days.
As the dark scary shadows come nearer and near, my heart begins to beat faster and faster almost as if it was skipping a beat or two.
I lay here reminiscing of what I have done in life, all my memories, hidden in my mind waiting to be discovered as if, buried treasure waiting to be found.
Why conceal my memories, these are the things I love most, can it be possible for I fear to loose thee, I hear loud noises coming from every direction unable to determine the voices master.
Who could this culprit be disturbing me and my thoughts, what does it want from thee.
Why do my shadows haunt I? Go away I shout in a threatening manner, but seeing that my threats are causing no effects.
Why do I frighten, I’m in a space which I am familiar with, but yet I still feel in harms way.
Unable to protect myself and valuables, leave me alone I begin to toss and turn feeling as if I was captured by a fishing net.
Unable to escape and breath freely.
For O what I dearly crave most. I can’t but somewhat notice that I stand here now talking to myself.
What could this truly mean? By now this hallowed place is pitch black and I am unable to see my own two hands before me.
But yet I cannot help but feel a presence in the room, maybe a beast has come to save me from societies hell?
I get up from where I lay and feel as if I am falling into a dark hole, O where have I gone, as I look into the darkness, the nothingness.
A figure stumbles around me I can’t help but hear their heavy footsteps as it comes closer and closer walking loud and clunky not caring that it may be discovered any moment, and at last I see a man behind a mask concealing his true identity, whispering to me in a language I have not heard before but I am unable to understand.
I begin to too zoom out as if the whole room was beginning to be unfocused. I suddenly awake from this horrid dream and realize that I have been startled by the thunderous roar!
The Shield

As I stare into the open field wishing I was out there instead of being held up inside, wishing my teacher would stop lecturing "the Morales of a human being".
Wishing that the bell shall sound at any moment, but I dare not look away from the window knowing reality shall set back in, I slowly zone in and out hearing bits and pieces of my teachers lecture.
I sit at my desk wondering why God created us? This question seems to amuse me and consumes me in time. I begin to wonder, why I'm not listening to this lecture.
Perhaps I know this teacher doesn't want to be here just as I do, but yet I find good reasons for learning,
I feel at times that our school is like a giant prison, square shaped, with windowless classrooms in the building.
My body consumes every bit of sun ray that it possibly can through this small weary window, hoping it will survive this harsh cool day.
I can no longer focus, the teacher is no longer in my head, but simply the voice within me.
My mind begins to wander,opening doors in my mind which I never knew that I possessed, wondering what new adventure lies next.
I begin to see a golden kingdom form before my very own eyes, I now feel that I am within a different Era of the world, as if I have moved back a few centuries.
I hear in the distance clashing swords of young men whom are in the likes of battle, I continue to walk the vast land and see many wounded and dead.
A castle lays there settled behind the fog, gigantic fortress walls forming around the city itself, guarding its people.
A man rides up to me on his mount, He asks a question, but I am unable to hear, he then begins to yell it out."Are you ready to make history?"
I simply reply with a yes/no nod, and he hands me a sword with strange symbols.
My cold bare hands touching the blade, as if holding it with honor, with great god like power.
I am unable to control myself, I feel like I've been taken over, like I've been possessed by this majestic sword, A young man from amongst the crowd of men had shouted to me.
"It is not the sword for which makes history,for it is man who creates history".
Thoughts begin to haunt my mind,simply but cautiously wondering what he means. I dare not go any further, as I hear clashing swords coming nearer and nearer.
I see my reflection in a soldiers shield,but I take no form,no human structure, as if I was a mirages image.
I begin to wonder why I cannot see myself. As I slowly piece this puzzle together, and alas I've come to the greatest conclusion, for reasons I did not see an image of a man in the reflection of that shield, is because I am the work of God who has created me for a purpose in life,but has merely even finished in the detailing of his creation, for he knew that I could not be molded into a figure but because he knew that one day, I would figure a way myself to shape and mold myself together.
The sun radiantly shines on my face with its beautiful rainbow coloured rays, knowing that the young solider with that shield was simply god himself.
I suddenly awake from a loud ringing noise, it seems that class has ended and find myself awakening from this bewildering dream, my teacher calls out to me and asks me
"Julian have you learned something important today"
and I reply
Wishing that the bell shall sound at any moment, but I dare not look away from the window knowing reality shall set back in, I slowly zone in and out hearing bits and pieces of my teachers lecture.
I sit at my desk wondering why God created us? This question seems to amuse me and consumes me in time. I begin to wonder, why I'm not listening to this lecture.
Perhaps I know this teacher doesn't want to be here just as I do, but yet I find good reasons for learning,
I feel at times that our school is like a giant prison, square shaped, with windowless classrooms in the building.
My body consumes every bit of sun ray that it possibly can through this small weary window, hoping it will survive this harsh cool day.
I can no longer focus, the teacher is no longer in my head, but simply the voice within me.
My mind begins to wander,opening doors in my mind which I never knew that I possessed, wondering what new adventure lies next.
I begin to see a golden kingdom form before my very own eyes, I now feel that I am within a different Era of the world, as if I have moved back a few centuries.
I hear in the distance clashing swords of young men whom are in the likes of battle, I continue to walk the vast land and see many wounded and dead.
A castle lays there settled behind the fog, gigantic fortress walls forming around the city itself, guarding its people.
A man rides up to me on his mount, He asks a question, but I am unable to hear, he then begins to yell it out."Are you ready to make history?"
I simply reply with a yes/no nod, and he hands me a sword with strange symbols.
My cold bare hands touching the blade, as if holding it with honor, with great god like power.
I am unable to control myself, I feel like I've been taken over, like I've been possessed by this majestic sword, A young man from amongst the crowd of men had shouted to me.
"It is not the sword for which makes history,for it is man who creates history".
Thoughts begin to haunt my mind,simply but cautiously wondering what he means. I dare not go any further, as I hear clashing swords coming nearer and nearer.
I see my reflection in a soldiers shield,but I take no form,no human structure, as if I was a mirages image.
I begin to wonder why I cannot see myself. As I slowly piece this puzzle together, and alas I've come to the greatest conclusion, for reasons I did not see an image of a man in the reflection of that shield, is because I am the work of God who has created me for a purpose in life,but has merely even finished in the detailing of his creation, for he knew that I could not be molded into a figure but because he knew that one day, I would figure a way myself to shape and mold myself together.
The sun radiantly shines on my face with its beautiful rainbow coloured rays, knowing that the young solider with that shield was simply god himself.
I suddenly awake from a loud ringing noise, it seems that class has ended and find myself awakening from this bewildering dream, my teacher calls out to me and asks me
"Julian have you learned something important today"
and I reply
"Yes I have...."
By: Julian Manna-Gerardi
Hey everyone!
As you can see I just got my very own blog:)
This blog will be mostly used as a scapegoat:)
I will publish my pieces of work, as you will see I love to write and I am constantly writing stuff, I felt that I wanted to share it with the world so wala I am here typing in my very own blog.
I hope to get some feedback on my writing to see what you think, I hope everyone respects my wishes to not steal my work.
I have been writing for a long time, It's been recently that I noticed I had a knack for writing, it all started 3 years ago!
I find myself writing about reality, deep,sad notes....It's my strongest field I feel that I can express myself through words.....
Well thats it for now I'll be updating this bad boy everyday !
Peace out
As you can see I just got my very own blog:)
This blog will be mostly used as a scapegoat:)
I will publish my pieces of work, as you will see I love to write and I am constantly writing stuff, I felt that I wanted to share it with the world so wala I am here typing in my very own blog.
I hope to get some feedback on my writing to see what you think, I hope everyone respects my wishes to not steal my work.
I have been writing for a long time, It's been recently that I noticed I had a knack for writing, it all started 3 years ago!
I find myself writing about reality, deep,sad notes....It's my strongest field I feel that I can express myself through words.....
Well thats it for now I'll be updating this bad boy everyday !
Peace out
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