As I stare into the open field wishing I was out there instead of being held up inside, wishing my teacher would stop lecturing "the Morales of a human being".
Wishing that the bell shall sound at any moment, but I dare not look away from the window knowing reality shall set back in, I slowly zone in and out hearing bits and pieces of my teachers lecture.
I sit at my desk wondering why God created us? This question seems to amuse me and consumes me in time. I begin to wonder, why I'm not listening to this lecture.
Perhaps I know this teacher doesn't want to be here just as I do, but yet I find good reasons for learning,
I feel at times that our school is like a giant prison, square shaped, with windowless classrooms in the building.
My body consumes every bit of sun ray that it possibly can through this small weary window, hoping it will survive this harsh cool day.
I can no longer focus, the teacher is no longer in my head, but simply the voice within me.
My mind begins to wander,opening doors in my mind which I never knew that I possessed, wondering what new adventure lies next.
I begin to see a golden kingdom form before my very own eyes, I now feel that I am within a different Era of the world, as if I have moved back a few centuries.
I hear in the distance clashing swords of young men whom are in the likes of battle, I continue to walk the vast land and see many wounded and dead.
A castle lays there settled behind the fog, gigantic fortress walls forming around the city itself, guarding its people.
A man rides up to me on his mount, He asks a question, but I am unable to hear, he then begins to yell it out."Are you ready to make history?"
I simply reply with a yes/no nod, and he hands me a sword with strange symbols.
My cold bare hands touching the blade, as if holding it with honor, with great god like power.
I am unable to control myself, I feel like I've been taken over, like I've been possessed by this majestic sword, A young man from amongst the crowd of men had shouted to me.
"It is not the sword for which makes history,for it is man who creates history".
Thoughts begin to haunt my mind,simply but cautiously wondering what he means. I dare not go any further, as I hear clashing swords coming nearer and nearer.
I see my reflection in a soldiers shield,but I take no form,no human structure, as if I was a mirages image.
I begin to wonder why I cannot see myself. As I slowly piece this puzzle together, and alas I've come to the greatest conclusion, for reasons I did not see an image of a man in the reflection of that shield, is because I am the work of God who has created me for a purpose in life,but has merely even finished in the detailing of his creation, for he knew that I could not be molded into a figure but because he knew that one day, I would figure a way myself to shape and mold myself together.
The sun radiantly shines on my face with its beautiful rainbow coloured rays, knowing that the young solider with that shield was simply god himself.
I suddenly awake from a loud ringing noise, it seems that class has ended and find myself awakening from this bewildering dream, my teacher calls out to me and asks me
"Julian have you learned something important today"
and I reply
Wishing that the bell shall sound at any moment, but I dare not look away from the window knowing reality shall set back in, I slowly zone in and out hearing bits and pieces of my teachers lecture.
I sit at my desk wondering why God created us? This question seems to amuse me and consumes me in time. I begin to wonder, why I'm not listening to this lecture.
Perhaps I know this teacher doesn't want to be here just as I do, but yet I find good reasons for learning,
I feel at times that our school is like a giant prison, square shaped, with windowless classrooms in the building.
My body consumes every bit of sun ray that it possibly can through this small weary window, hoping it will survive this harsh cool day.
I can no longer focus, the teacher is no longer in my head, but simply the voice within me.
My mind begins to wander,opening doors in my mind which I never knew that I possessed, wondering what new adventure lies next.
I begin to see a golden kingdom form before my very own eyes, I now feel that I am within a different Era of the world, as if I have moved back a few centuries.
I hear in the distance clashing swords of young men whom are in the likes of battle, I continue to walk the vast land and see many wounded and dead.
A castle lays there settled behind the fog, gigantic fortress walls forming around the city itself, guarding its people.
A man rides up to me on his mount, He asks a question, but I am unable to hear, he then begins to yell it out."Are you ready to make history?"
I simply reply with a yes/no nod, and he hands me a sword with strange symbols.
My cold bare hands touching the blade, as if holding it with honor, with great god like power.
I am unable to control myself, I feel like I've been taken over, like I've been possessed by this majestic sword, A young man from amongst the crowd of men had shouted to me.
"It is not the sword for which makes history,for it is man who creates history".
Thoughts begin to haunt my mind,simply but cautiously wondering what he means. I dare not go any further, as I hear clashing swords coming nearer and nearer.
I see my reflection in a soldiers shield,but I take no form,no human structure, as if I was a mirages image.
I begin to wonder why I cannot see myself. As I slowly piece this puzzle together, and alas I've come to the greatest conclusion, for reasons I did not see an image of a man in the reflection of that shield, is because I am the work of God who has created me for a purpose in life,but has merely even finished in the detailing of his creation, for he knew that I could not be molded into a figure but because he knew that one day, I would figure a way myself to shape and mold myself together.
The sun radiantly shines on my face with its beautiful rainbow coloured rays, knowing that the young solider with that shield was simply god himself.
I suddenly awake from a loud ringing noise, it seems that class has ended and find myself awakening from this bewildering dream, my teacher calls out to me and asks me
"Julian have you learned something important today"
and I reply
"Yes I have...."
By: Julian Manna-Gerardi
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