I find myself in a courtroom, being judged by all. Constantly pleading that I am innocent, yet they try to prove me guilty.
Feeling like a battle has broken out and I am caught in the middle of it, Shell shocked and lost, I am unable to hear because of the loud bangs, running for shelter, hoping for peace.
It seems I can never find a break, I begin to pray asking for a sign, but nothing. The sky darkens and I begin to question my motives.
Bringing myself to my feet and running to the battle field only to find myself, I see myself across the field, thinking this is unlikely that I have simply gone mad. Seeing an object fly by me, quickly clues me back in, I am in a war against myself, I see dozens and dozens of me, yet all different looking. I begin to fire back slowly killing them one by one. Feeling weak I begin to slow my pace, things start to blur in and out, feeling like gauze has been put on my eyes and I see everything in a blur I do not understand, I begin to bleed, tiny drops of blood pour down my nose and onto my white shirt, I stumble to floor, trying to hold myself up but I can't I'm to weak, my senses are shutting down, my mind slowing down, my eyes growing heavy feeling cold, I look down at myself and see all the opened wounds.
Tears flowing down from my face, I know why I bleed.
I've killed parts off my soul, I am unable to continue without them, my heart looses life, it slowly beats. Why have I done this to myself, my eyes close and things darken....
I am still alive, but why can't I open my eyes, I am so lost without my sight, I can hear the screams around me, parts of my body still having nerves. I can feel my legs, but not my arms, I can't talk but I can smell the stench for which I am in.
Oh no I'm a cripple, the earth begins to shake, and my body begins to vibrate. A warm feeling object touches my skin, I try to call out but my mouth does not move, my vocal cords lay dormant.
The screams for which I heard are gone, and I hear angelic hymns. It seems a women is talking to me, her voice so powerful that it echoes through a valley of mountains.
"Boy why do you cause yourself pain, you have been given life for a reason, but yet you mis-use it. It's not your time to be here, you must go back, your heart still beats,but faintly, speak to me child"
thinking inside who is this women, I want to speak but I still can't, this must be a dream I tell myself, theres no way.
I hear voices in the distance, I cannot determine what they are saying, suddenly I am dropped into water, I can see, I can breathe, I surface to the top, I can feel the water in my hands I can, see the beautiful golden skies, warmth in my skin.
My heart now beating,*the glorified women speaks again to me, see child your heart calls to you"
A jolt of electricity flows through my body and I wake up to a bright light in my face, people standing around me dressed in blue, there faced covered.
A women now talking to me "your going to be alright"...
A man in the back telling the women"his vitals are back"
I hear a heart monitor beside me beeping.
I remember the car accident, I look up into the light and smile!
Feeling like a battle has broken out and I am caught in the middle of it, Shell shocked and lost, I am unable to hear because of the loud bangs, running for shelter, hoping for peace.
It seems I can never find a break, I begin to pray asking for a sign, but nothing. The sky darkens and I begin to question my motives.
Bringing myself to my feet and running to the battle field only to find myself, I see myself across the field, thinking this is unlikely that I have simply gone mad. Seeing an object fly by me, quickly clues me back in, I am in a war against myself, I see dozens and dozens of me, yet all different looking. I begin to fire back slowly killing them one by one. Feeling weak I begin to slow my pace, things start to blur in and out, feeling like gauze has been put on my eyes and I see everything in a blur I do not understand, I begin to bleed, tiny drops of blood pour down my nose and onto my white shirt, I stumble to floor, trying to hold myself up but I can't I'm to weak, my senses are shutting down, my mind slowing down, my eyes growing heavy feeling cold, I look down at myself and see all the opened wounds.
Tears flowing down from my face, I know why I bleed.
I've killed parts off my soul, I am unable to continue without them, my heart looses life, it slowly beats. Why have I done this to myself, my eyes close and things darken....
I am still alive, but why can't I open my eyes, I am so lost without my sight, I can hear the screams around me, parts of my body still having nerves. I can feel my legs, but not my arms, I can't talk but I can smell the stench for which I am in.
Oh no I'm a cripple, the earth begins to shake, and my body begins to vibrate. A warm feeling object touches my skin, I try to call out but my mouth does not move, my vocal cords lay dormant.
The screams for which I heard are gone, and I hear angelic hymns. It seems a women is talking to me, her voice so powerful that it echoes through a valley of mountains.
"Boy why do you cause yourself pain, you have been given life for a reason, but yet you mis-use it. It's not your time to be here, you must go back, your heart still beats,but faintly, speak to me child"
thinking inside who is this women, I want to speak but I still can't, this must be a dream I tell myself, theres no way.
I hear voices in the distance, I cannot determine what they are saying, suddenly I am dropped into water, I can see, I can breathe, I surface to the top, I can feel the water in my hands I can, see the beautiful golden skies, warmth in my skin.
My heart now beating,*the glorified women speaks again to me, see child your heart calls to you"
A jolt of electricity flows through my body and I wake up to a bright light in my face, people standing around me dressed in blue, there faced covered.
A women now talking to me "your going to be alright"...
A man in the back telling the women"his vitals are back"
I hear a heart monitor beside me beeping.
I remember the car accident, I look up into the light and smile!
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